real estate companies of morocco in Chinese
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- real estate
- 不动产,房地产 ( a real estate agent [broker] 房地产经纪人)。
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- real-estate
- 不动产的; 房地产,不动产; 真实的状态
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- the real estate
- 不动产; 房产
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- accrued real estate taxes
- 应计不动产税金; 应计未付不动产税
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- appraisal of real estate
- 不动产估价, 房地产估价; 不动产评估; 房地产估价
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What is the meaning of real estate companies of morocco in Chinese and how to say real estate companies of morocco in Chinese? real estate companies of morocco Chinese meaning, real estate companies of morocco的中文,real estate companies of morocco的中文,real estate companies of morocco的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by